Thursday, August 16, 2007

On the other side of the schooling rainbow

Well, I've had my kids in private school and preschool for years. Never once been to public school. At one time I wanted to put them into public school to give them more of an experience of the large social scene that they will grow up to live in etc but the biggest problem that we had was with the use of drugs in schools.

I know that most parents go along with the drugging idea because that's what they're told and that's what is taught as the latest in science. Well I have been privy to a lot of data that shows that druging children is really dangerous. For one thing, all of the crazy school shooters were all on antidepressants. I think this could be easily paid off, "see they were sick"... but did they go crazy shooting people before they were on drugs? And in the society in general this phenomena is new just like the use of drugs in our schools.

Anyway, I could go on and on here about my feelings on this. But mainly I think it is horrible to drug your kids for these educational problems. That is not the way to handle it. These drugs are made to look helpful but it's actually almost the same physical make-up as putting them on cocain... these things are even being given to babies!

Parents who disagree with having their kids put on drugs, have actually lost custody of their children due to "negligence". That's how seriously backed this whole drugging children movement is.

That is a big reason. Then there's the bad grades and low results of the public school system in general.

I was able to test out at college level when I was 13. I went to private schools that used L. Ron Hubbard's Study technology. This is not a religious activity though he did also found Scientology. The study technology he developed was to help people be able to study his research and books. It is very clear and simple, there is a method of looking up words in dictionary, and drilling with them so you fully understand the word. There is also the demonstration of theories using clay to show how they work. There are many very specific methods used and they helped me a lot in school. So my kids have been in schools like this. The only problem is that they do cost money because the state doesn't fund them, so we have to pay extra for our kids eduction, just to give them what we feel is the proper education method, and to also keep them away from the drug happy public school system.

I never thought I would be a home schooling mom but as of this summer I am looking at doing that. The kids actually really like being home and are excited at me being their teacher. I taught Hana preschool level subjects when I was home while the twins were babies. I actually taught at a private school for a little while too. But I always thought that homeschooling at the grade levels would be bad because they woulnd't have the interaction with other kids. Now however, I am seeing that they could actually get a more thorough, 1 on 1 education. And I can plan events and activities with other kids. I can put them in YMCA classes etc. I have another friend who wants to home school and she has two kids of similiar ages. So they will have some buddies. Then I will just have to get creative on interaction. But really the interaction of kids with alcoholic parents, parents on drugs, brothers and sisters in gangs, using drugs, being promiscuous etc (which is the norm for public school here in LA) is not the kind of interaction and example I want them to relate to. They will know about these things. I won't shelter them from reality. But they won't look up to these guys. I think the likelihood of my kids getting involved in destructive lifestyles via the public school is very high. Inevitably in the public schools systems, they would see the older kids, they will get older and they want to be in the "in" crowd. Being a really scholastic and studious teenager isn't really the coolest thing to do in school. It's more like sneaking off to smoke pot and going to parties when parents aren't home, ditching school etc is the cool thing to do. At least that's what I observed was the way of things with others in public school here in LA. It is a sad state of affairs and I feel really bad for the other parents that really don't have other options.

Also the way the classes I've seen in public school run, are to get the kids to all read aloud at the same time, and repeat things over and over like parrots. They memorize lines but can they really think with them? Honestly if LRH study tech were used or even just more hands on and 1 on 1 teaching methods, I think that teenagers could and should graduate from school at the age of 13 or 14.

Then start onto their new career studies, and also be working part time. Most teenagers before 18 don't actually have enough of a game in their life and so they make them with drama, boyfriends and all that other stuff that doesn't help them advance into success. We're not letting young adults, 15, 16, 17, etc actually get on with being the responsible adults they can be. Getting them into working in their field of interest, having them exchange with the livelihood of the family somewhat so they can get a taste for what it will be like when they're on their own etc. That is important to me. But I've sort of gone off subject here.

I want to help change the eduction system. I've actually been looking into charter school information. I don't know if I will start one myself but maybe I can help get one started that uses LRH study tech. Check out more about LRH study tech at

But for now, this is about the new world I'm entering of keeping my kids home and being a homeschool mom. I am working from home part time also. I've already established that mornings are the major study time for reading and writing and then we can do other projects in the afternoon. So far the kids really like it! We'll see as it is going to take a lot of organization to keep all of this going and the house up etc.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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