Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Why Super Natural? Why not just, Natural?

I've been a little on the fringe of popular mindsets for most of my life. This has brought me out of the usual realms other people live in around me, and in some ways thrown me off the tracks of normality... but it's a good thing.

For example, I know that I am not just a brain and that I am a spiritual being that inhabits this body. I know that I've had experiences before this body was born and I will continue to do so after it dies. I know I have had many lifetimes. I once remembered experiences back in ancient Greece where I had never before been privy to the information. Then went and checked out the description of the city I recalled and found it to exactly match in real history records.

I know that if people we're freed up from chemical pollutants and willing to look they would and do recall their prior memories, sometimes in vague images and sometimes as a clear story of some moment or moments. I've remembered things that happened when I was a few weeks old and even back to when my parents were pregnant with me. I've even told them what it was and each time it was accurate. Even though my parents have the same beliefs about the spirit, I could tell it still surprised even them a little.

I know that our actual power is much diminished and unused and even suppressed from our trying. For I know it is not just coincidence when you think of someone and they call you that minute. Or you suddenly realize something is happening, even though there would be no logical explanation that you knew about it, but it is happening... That is because the material universe and the spiritual universe both cohabit this existence we are in.

We are all surrounded by our feelers, some of us have small feelers and some of us have them way out there.

We can talk to disembodied spirits. I have. I moved into a house a while ago with my family and there was this presence that I would feel often in my room. It reminded me of a man. I realized that he used to live in the house. And one day I realized he was there because he had been murdered and no one had solved the case and really he just didn't know what else to do. He was a little upset that he didn't have it anymore too but he was generally friendly. I wondered what his name was and then it came to me, thanks to him, I was sure it was it. "Ken" was his name.
About a year later this old woman came by and said she knew the old owner. I proceeded to ask her if it was a man? And she said yes, then was his name Ken? Again she said yes, and then, was he murdered? And she said yes, that his body had been found out in the desert in some ghost town on the way to Las Vegas. She asked me how I knew. I figured what the heck and told her.

She had several reactions to my story but mostly, confusion. I think she wanted to believe me, but this modern world has become so stuck in the idea that we are just brains, that the idea of a spirit disembodied is scoffed at. I think it's funny because one day those people will wake up floating above themselves, their body no longer alive and they will go what the heck!!!

A living example of the spiritual world and how it works... the morning of 911. I live in LA and it was 8 am or so. My husband was heading off to work and I was home with my two little twin babies. As I kissed him goodby I told him I had just had a horrible dream. And he asked me what it was. I told him, I dreamed that the Pentagon had been bombed and it was so real! I couldn't believe it. I had woken up with tears in my eyes. He reassured me that everything was OK and we said our goodby's. Just 5 minutes later he came bursting back into the door and ran upstairs. He told me that I wasn't too far off and that the WTC buildings had been bombed or something, they thought it was a plane that flew into it maybe. He hugged me and got a grip on himself and left again for work. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to turn on the news. I sat there watching and then the news started talking about the pentagon and the damage that had happened there...

I have so many more stories I could tell here and maybe I will later. But the main thing is that I think people should take notice of their receptors, or feelers, or whatever you want to call them. They are there, and they are real.

I am not a "psychic" I am just a spirit in a body that acknowledges that fact and is open to it. Even the psychological community acknowledges the fact that humans are using little of their potential. They just don't realize it comes from the spirit's choice/ability to do so. There are many things that can weigh a spirit down and disable him from his endeavors and true ability. Occlusion of recalling past lives is there for a reason. Imagine that you've been around for 30 trillion years. You have probably done everything there is, things you are ashamed of, things you loved, all sorts of things, and those things that you don't want to remember, like you might have even this lifetime... build up and your decision not to remember becomes real.

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